grey kinght terminator DONE :)

Thursday 30 June 2011

 hi again! :)

over the past few days i have finished another termi... with falchions :)
so here he is:  (btw the skull isnt painted..yet)

chop chop!
more arfter the readmore!

red panda wednesday :) ( and commisions are now even cheaper!)

Wednesday 29 June 2011

yes you wanted it

i wanted it

your pet cat/dog/robot zombie dinosaur with a unicorn horn  wanted it

its RED PANDA WEDNESDAY :) *squee* ( dont read captions if you dont like me shamelessly self promoting my self : *insert cave johnson quote here regarding control groups*)

you were like this

then you heard something, and you were like this

you were like this when you heard that fuzzbuket now does commmisions for MUCH cheaper for a better than  table top quality!

and then you were all happy like this guy ( /\bove  )

thanks for reading !

p.s. is there a blog about redpanders? i would happily add that to my bloggy list!

tuesday tutorial GK eyes

Tuesday 28 June 2011

so todays tutorial is SOOOOO simple i had to include 2 :P

the fist is GK eyes, grr anyone else tried painting them leike marine eyes? and failed miserably! well fear not, this trick will send everyone in awe of your eye painting skills!
1) paint whole eye area white
2) blue wash
3) white spot on the raised dot
5) PROFIT! :)

hes keeping a eye on you!

oh and what should you all be drinking? caffine makes you shake, alcohol makes you think that ork would look lovley in pink ... but this!:
barrs big cola! :D 500ml of sugar :)
(yes that is american dads foot)


WIP grey knight librarian conversion!

Sunday 26 June 2011

hello! its me again arfter a small break!
and as the next few days will be clogged with terminators im going to show you something diffrent: a libby!
(note he is still WIP and needs to be glued together and have a dragonforge ammo belt!)

custom bolter (the barrels need straightneing!) and book (from a paladin!)

well ive done more terminators but thatll wait for tomorrow!
(and the painty plan for the next few weeks is  2-terminators, banner terminator , sniper assasin, terminator justiacar and terminator, IOB skaven!)

thanks for reading!

p.s. i love red pandas :D they are adorable ! i may start 'red panda wendesday:P!)

GAINT FORCE AXE OF DEATH! (counts as thunderhammer!:P)

a diffrent GK list, ( 1500pts)

Wednesday 22 June 2011

no its not monkeyspam
or dragiowing
or cortez deathcult buddies
or even the shunt puinch
well not quite a a punch.
more of a

yeah its the remasterd 1500 shunt crunch

mordak - 200
2 ghosts - 80

librarian - hammer, summons + a destructive power (either anti tank or CC boost) and a teleport homer

5 terminators
4 falchions, flamer, banner

5 terminators
3 swords ,stave + psylincer ,hammer ,psybolt

10 strike squad marines
7 halbards, falchions, flamer, psybolt, psycannon

Land raider redeemer
warp field
multi melta


the tactica will come tomorrow!


p.s. I came second in the Sisters ( by enslaviour)  banner contest over @

not much *sigh*

Monday 20 June 2011

was going to do somespraypainting

then it started to rain :(

hopefully some pics tomorrow (i also started a plastic libby for my army! its looking good!)

admech droid tutorial!

Sunday 19 June 2011

hello because of the 'massve' demand and the fact i have little else to post i have made a quick tutorial on a ADMECH walker with only a few spare rhino bitz!

now behold my 1337 MS paint skilz :P

so thats it! quite simple really! (oh and if you make one and want it on this blog send piccys to fuzzbuket(AT)gmail(DOT) com


p.s. i got my GDUK ticket,  and some termies so expect some GK reinforcements soon and a awsome smexy skaven!

adeptus mechanicus patrol droid.

Saturday 18 June 2011

so the final member of the saints retuniue is now over a year old! he is a admech patrol droid: designed for patroling titan or warship interiors:
NOTE he hasnt had his paint updated so the paintjub is sloppy :(

made from spare marine veihcal parts!




senic base


i hope you like him! ( next time i make a rhino i may buld a second!)
i may post up a buliding guide tommorow if thats what everyone wants!?


saint's retinue ( lots of painted pics!)

so here is the saints retinue :P ( par the captain who has  vanished and mr.dead who is getting munched by a wraithlord!) ( painted 6+ months ago!)

hey whats that!

*redneck* ah found this dead bug an'a cut itz ead off : imma heero!
 more arfter the jump.

blast from the past: imperial saint

Thursday 16 June 2011

hello again! toady  after a while of non-posting Im going to show you my imperial saint that i made a while ago! (ill post the retinue and admech support in a few days)

so without further ado:
saint ........ somethingrother

the chaps over at GW did a fantastic sculpt on the face!

freehand claok

other side

ahh flubber it seems a certain idiot has forgotten to photo the front :P


power armoured grey knight squad photo!

Monday 13 June 2011

hi again!

ive been scrubbing acetone offsome termis but i managed to take pics of the whole PA squad! (-1 stormbolter)


note sarge lllerroy is the only one running
individual unit shots arfter the jump!

grey knight justiciar: FINISHED!

Sunday 12 June 2011

hi again!

today/night i finished the justicar (arfter the photos the gun was fixed :L)
so here he is, a supprisingly effective conversion!

yes the gun is now fixed! 

 more arfter the jump!

justicar 75% done!

Saturday 11 June 2011

hi again! fuzz here with a old metal converted justicar:
now many of you will notice that he is using a power sword AND a falchion:
no i havnt caught the 'counts as' disease :P its that the original sword is well..... tiny :(  (its 1/2 the size of a terminator sword!) so its now a short sword used in a pair with a falchion.

a awsome sculpt: even if it is too small for NMM :P

cool links Friday!

Friday 10 June 2011

hello again! lets see waht the interwebz has to offer :D

NINJA'D) all you ever needed to know about ninjas ( okay you never can have too much ninja but still) from the  angry lurker:

1)a awsome leith form rant in E minor: a stunning face!

2)a cool howling griffin by 'for holy terra'

3)px 40k has found a rather cool pair of vids from the mcveys (one of the first  eavy metals and accalimed sculptrors)

4) for holy terra  has a cool razorback (with a plasma canoon !?)

5)new hobbyists have a natural ability for horrible ork conversions: luckily the leadhaed isnt new and has a fantastic ork warbuggy conversion!

6)some awsome GK from the 40k hobby blog

7)  minecraft: single player (inf. resources and no enemies) free, FREE

8)who dosnt love big robots, so watch this (from kotaku)


10) WOW tiberius888 found this LOOK LOOK LOOK! FW WARHOUNDS BACK IN PRODUCTION! ( but out of stock :(  is it rumors or is it to go with the OOP FW models listd for $9999?)

p.s. as i am a attention seeking, egotistical maniac     wantong to promote this blog and others i applied to BOLS blogroll a while back, sadly as i am a spoon i forgot to include the blog adress, but in a later post i added it.

2 months later still no reply, i applied again last week, and i now think the BOLS has 'dinged'* me

* scottish for leaving someone alone/ignoring them and walking away:

blast from the past: fuzzys first model that was seriously painted!

Thursday 9 June 2011

when i started warhammer it was all about getting you army done ASAP making them look pretty was good but having lots of guys was better :P

rawr :P hey he isnt as bad as some (aka my very first model :P)

dreadnought that i got for my birthday one year... as it was such a fancy kit i spent a LONG time on it :P
sadlythe same couldnt be said for the GK dread that was done in a arfternoon :D
i was so pleased he went up on cmon getting a modest 6.? ( i will put the link up soon )

thanks for reading, tommorow is *CENSORED BY THE ORDOS MUSICA* and arfter that is weekend painty time :D

p.s. thankyou to wolves for the wolf god: you have manged to double my pageviews :D

all my NMM knights!

Wednesday 8 June 2011

yes all 9 of them i am a slooow painter ( and dreading converting 5 old metal ones to twin falcions 0_0)

sorry for the short post :)


GK#4 finished!

Tuesday 7 June 2011

hello again : as the ps3 and computer were updating i had some hobby time :D so i did the gold, red, skulls and parchment of the 4rth knight! (oops he looks like he needs a few touch ups ;)


and not-halbard of the year goes to!

yes its a plastic arm and powersword with the lower half of a halbard

Add caption

vultures,family photos and bad puns

Monday 6 June 2011

heh didnt expect that :P i bet you thought id just have done some more red :)

well yesterday the vallejow bottle wasnt working so i gave it a big squeeze and now i only have 1/3 of the bottle left :(

but what to do with ALL that paint?
a white areoplane! ( the white is now whiter and ir also has a angel! :D)
the vultrue is still WIP

faces are REALLY HARD to paint :P
 super massive pics below! ( and family photos with bad puns)

more grey knight WIP's

hi just a quick post today: ive been working on the silver of the 4rth GK

these metals WILL kill me one day :P i swaer 3H is not a good time for just 1 colour!
the 'painted' knights

-fuzzzz ( i idnt post yesterday cuase the internet was SOO slow ;(    

cool links friday!

Friday 3 June 2011

hi again time for some more cool links

1) the funniest thing on the internt today (p.s. extra points for spotting me AND mellisa!)
yes he MAY be mentaly retarded

2) ooh look a new warhammer game for PC.. think alien swarm (free at steam) with the DOWII skins

3) a coulourful arvus lighter from smells like wargaming (sweaty armpits and no deaderant? ... i keed i keed :P)

4)i have always had a soft spot for elfdars,and these rangers are great!

5)some intresting pics from beasts of war?!

6)GW has some of the GD france pics up... the avatar and talos are awsome (not like gw's staff painting- see todays GW blog venom 0_0)

7)ppirate viking has painted a LOT of reisn and not them new fangaled finecasts either!

8) if you like legos, starwars, jawaballs or are even bored click this over to kotaku

9) I have updated the Commissions/deals pages again! lets say a FULLY painted land raider magnetised and freehand is only £43 and if you are in the uk FREE shipping! (or you pay for it... but hey if your an aussie its cheaper than buying it off GW :D)

10) now if you have seen someone with a wierd orange suit being chaswed by zombies with crab hats or a girl  in a orange jumpsuit!

right thats it for today :) see ya soon!


p.s. sorry for the shameless self promotoin BUT more monies = more models = more intersting blog! :D

GREY KNIGHT #4 pointy stik dude!

Thursday 2 June 2011

now time for more power armour!

raahr im a metal dude!

i see you!

is my nmm improving?

see: tiny little things!

his is the vented one

thanks for reading: oh by the way has anyone played armoured core 4? for answer on the ps3? 


p.s oh as I have lots of spare painty time anyone want anything commisioned?
p.p.s gallery is now up :D

more grey knight goodies! incinerator! (finished!)

Wednesday 1 June 2011

so now the 2nd gk is finished (ill have the 3rd up tomorrow!)
only with comparasion can you see how tiny these models are: think RT skinnyness! and the eyes are a nightmare 0_0

i tried with those eyes but it is impossible :( 
more arfter the jump!