hiu just a quick question, say a person makes a duel scene between a GW model and a artistic interpretation of a GW model made solely of miliput, is that allowed?
p.s. the screamer is taking shape but i think a may leave out the tusks and lumps on the back?
Showcase: Blood Angels Captain (inc. painting guide)
What's gold, weighs a tonne and if it fell out of the sky it would kill
you? My new Space Marine Captain with Jump Pack! In today's post we'll take
a clo...
5 hours ago
I'm not a Golden Demon Vet but that would be rather brave!
well its just that the GW screamers are far too expensive , and are horrible sculpts, however the sculpt is about 1/2 way done, ill post pics soon! :)
"All entries...must be painted Citadel miniatures, Forge World or Imperial Armour models or scratch-built models that you have sculpted yourself."
I'd go for it.
cool he'll be finished soon.. ish :P
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