tonight's offer is a pro painted mordak in NMM with a few cool conversions, and the added bonus of these is that he really sticks out among your army!
now as pictures say 1000 words heres. 15000 words :)
(or in 14 words : you me £15, pay shipping ,get awesome mini for gaming/ display ,with 2 heads)
'imma smash you with my hammer :P |
now , now fuzz don't run a humous monologue within a serious sales article. |
i'm not telling you how much it is.... no that £15 sign must have randomly got in there somehow! |
book detail |
armor freehand |
more freehand and a glowy teleporter |
hammer freehand (note it is almost perfectly mirrored on the other side!) |
and it is on his shoulder too! |
head option 1 ( and note the hearldry is the same as the hammer) |
note the freehand trim and chest conversion! |
head option 2 |
head option 2 |
size comparison ( he is roughly 1.5 times bigger than a normal marine, thanks to the base and converisons) |
cobblestones back |
cobblestones front and base freehand! |
so what do you get? a custom mordak that is uniqe, there is no other model quite like it, and 2 head options (can be magnatised for a extra £1)
with great conversion work and a amazing mettalic paintjob complete with a large amount of freehand!
who is it for: you, me your husband/wife in fact anyone who would apperciate this minature as a collecters piece or for gaming. a ideal present for a warhammer fan!
so how much will it cost? only £15 and shipping! thats about the price of a finecast character model, that isnt painted or converted! all you need to do is email me and we will discuss payment and shipping!
thankyou for reading.
p.s. phew i didnt know you could do that much self promotion!
How much?
the model is £15 +shipping (UK £1 US £3 )
(total US cost is $28.60)
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