so heres me doing what any half-insane blogger does: rabidly checking the addictive magic of 'blog stats' which has shown surprising results. bear in mind this is generally a painting blog.
total views: 5408
yay im popular :P
most popular page: red panda wednesday (And commissions are now even cheaper)
wait WHAT as a joke/self promotion stunt this is my all time most popular page with 396 views, 2 comments and exactly 3 times as many vies as my 2nd most popular page (Gk NMM tutorial)
most views in a day : 193
this was when wolfs for the wolfgod held their contest and through my listing on their blogroll and my tactical post schedule (aka post as late as possible!) NOTE: contest = more traffic.
best source of gullible fools for my evil schemes adoring fans:
505 in total FTW from FTW :P
no surprises here.
nationality of most visitors:
USA- 1878 - no surprises here
what people google most to get the blog!:
red panda: very surprising :P
most used browse/OS when viewing my blog
firefox (1807) and windows (4294) no surprises here either.
shout-out to foreign friends/ nationality who have viewed my blog that are surprising! (leave a comment/ nationality and il translate :P)
south korea
new zeland
and more!
i hope you enjoyed this as much as i have! and note that
the panda day seems to be the most popular? :)
Showcase: Blood Angels Scout Squad (inc. paint recipe)
What happens when you want an effective anti tank unit for your Blood
Angels but Games Workshop don't sell what you need? Well you need to get
kit bashin...
1 day ago
I generally don't check stats because the ones for Bryssling are generally very depressing... I'm so unpopular. But it's normal for stats to come from strange places. Apparently I got a few pageviews because of my use of Brettonians as Henchmen, and at one point most traffic came from A Gentleman's Ones rather than a blog network.
very interesting :P and spurising, i just visited brysling and its a really good blog! the conversions are really cool, so to boost your traffic ill add you to my list :) and apply to BOLS and FTw they seem to get you a lot more hits than iHop
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